Tiga foto diambil oleh teman-teman PhotoST.
Foto terakhir diambil oleh adik saya.
waw senangnya! selamat ya kaaak!
2008-04-03 22:02:54 from 220.subnet125-163-84.speedy.telkom.net.id (
Slamat-slamat buat klulusannya..
moga saya sumpahin sukses u/ k'adham...
2008-04-03 22:06:39 from at 1.1 proby.stttelkom.ac.id:172 (squid/2.5.STABLE12) (
teteup yahh.. mo SIDANG,, mo WISUDA style foto tetep sama..
lompat. trus teriak..
2008-04-03 22:25:32 from 49.60.in-addr.arpa.tm.net.my (
lompatan khas ala ADHAMSOMANTRIE
mas adham.. kok gak photo bareng mbak inul??
2008-04-03 22:26:33 from 49.60.in-addr.arpa.tm.net.my (
makkjrraaaankkk.......putu kaw lagii...., boleh tahanlah..........
2008-04-03 23:31:47 from 122.subnet125-163-83.speedy.telkom.net.id (
kalau nikah ntar pake pose loncat2 gitu juga Dham? heuiheuiheuiei
2008-04-03 23:39:17 from at 1.1 proxy-bdg.telkomspeedy.net.id:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE14) (
he he, barusan wisuda juga aku. Akhirnya lulus juga
2008-04-04 01:18:49 from at 1.0 HORISONSVR:8080 (squid/2.5.STABLE12) (
Wah selamat ya Dham. Akhirnya "menetas" lah adham hehehehe... tinggal siap kapan kita gas pol abis roadshow nasionalnya ya ....
2008-04-04 07:22:50 from at 1.1 localhost:8080 (squid/2.6.STABLE16) (
Selamet nih....uda lulus
Berikutnya kyknya jd Webdeveloper profesional dong?
wah selamat ya udah jadi sarjana sekarang,
makan makan
2008-04-05 16:26:01 from 122.subnet125-162-126.speedy.telkom.net.id (
Wahh.. Selamat-Selamat
2008-04-06 10:00:20 from, at 1.1 proxy.buroqnet.com:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE13), 1.0 skyscape.bdg.pacific.net.id:3120 (squid/2.6.STABLE17) (
wow... congratulation,
so, what's next..
2008-04-07 15:19:44 from 220.subnet125-160-116.speedy.telkom.net.id (
abis wisuda pamer pamer dah dia ke jogja..
2008-04-09 06:09:22 from at (
Wah selamat ya sudah wisuda, kutunggu traktirannya.....
Nanti kususul dam, aku pelan2 di belakang dulu ntar kukebut kau
2008-04-10 13:25:36 from at 1.1 nickel.onspeed.com:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE18) (
cie cie
Gelar nya apa nih dam ? ST ? ST manis ST pait
congrats dham...
Btw kau yg motret terbang itu siapo dham?
pake kamera apo, awak tertarik nih sama photo photo gitu yang terbang terbang
2008-04-11 23:06:04 from 67.subnet125-161-246.speedy.telkom.net.id (
selamat buat mas adham...makan makan...hihihi
2008-04-12 08:43:30 from at (
waaah selamaaat!!
*saya kapan menyusul yah.. hiks*
2008-04-12 14:43:48 from at 1.1 localhost:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE16) (
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